Sunday, December 2, 2012

Save your Money!

Do you want to have lots of money at the end of the year? Well, all you have to do is follow these simple things mentioned below and of course have a little self-control on spending.

You need to pack your lunch and water. Avoid buying cafeteria food or fast food chains because this is the reason why nothing is left on your allowance.

Avoid bringing huge amount of money. The tendency of this kind of act is that you might spend the cash you have on hand without realizing that it is almost gone.

In buying things, avoid using credit cars. If you use credit card, usually what happens is that you cannot feel that you just spent something. Unlike when you held cash, you can feel the worth of the money while it disappears in front of you.

Try to have self-control in buying things that you really don't need. Just buy the things that you need and you will surely use. This act can surely waste the money that you're supposed to save.


It would be nice if you could get a job during your free time. This can add up to your savings. You may have jobs like mowing the lawn, washing a car and baby sitting for cash in exchange for the service rendered.

If you are planning to give gifts, try to come up with something creative that doesn't need spending like personalized greeting card, surprise party and any ideas that you can make out from your imagination.

Put your savings in a bank in order for you money to earn interest. But please promise yourself that you will not withdraw it.

So start doing these few and easy things. You may not notice that your savings had increase.

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